Avocado Turkey Salad

What really bugs me is when people spell avocado wrong. Everyday on Pinterest I’ll see “avacado” or “avocodo”. Come on people! #grammarnazi

Anyway, I think it’s finally time that I share this wonderful little treat with everyone. I’ve been making it (almost daily) this past month but am yet to share! Really, it’s hardly even a recipe. No baking or hard work required. Just a little mixing!

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Avocado Turkey Salad


1/2 ripe avocado

3-4 slices turkey


lime juice (optional)

1 tbsp mayo (optional)

You literally put everything in a bowl and mix.

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Spread on some toasted whole grain bread, top with spinach, and that’s that! Lunch! (or dinner šŸ˜‰ ) It was both for me yesterday!

avocado turkey salad

Yesterday – great day! Easy 4 miles, then IĀ devoured this

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Overnight oats in a jar with 1/2 cup oats, almond milk, greek yogurt, 1/2 sliced banana, blueberries, and peanut butter!

I read my book a little then decided between oatmeal or a sandwich for lunch. The sandwich won.

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Then I went blueberry picking with mom! It reminded me of Katherine’s post, which was so lovely!


And THEN we picked the first batch of veggies from my garden! They were delicious with dinner šŸ™‚ there’s just something about eating your own produce that tastes so good!

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Tomorrow I’m leaving for the cottage until Monday, so I might be MIA for a few days! Have a great weekend šŸ˜€

17 thoughts on “Avocado Turkey Salad

  1. Oh wow! I love how simple that avocado salad is! I’m going to have to try that one. I’m not going to lie though, everytime I type the word “avocado” I have to look at it for a second to make sure I spelled it right. But that is usually because I type really fast šŸ˜‰

  2. I’m so jealous of you and Katherine – why can’t I go blueberry picking?!?! šŸ˜‰
    Avocado is seriously on of the best sandwich fillings. I bet this would be great with chickpeas instead of turkey! If only I had an avocado…
    Have a great time at the cottage girlie!

  3. Leigha I love this recipe! Isn’t lime and lemon the best with avo? Haha I can’t think of avocado without thinking of the subway commercial- have you seen it? The one where She drives an avocardo . šŸ˜‰

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