Heritage Half Marathon


I ran another half marathon! 

half crazy


I know, I’m sorry I’ve left you guys for so long but life has been crazy. I got home from camp, had a softball tournament, then it was the week of the fourth! It’s been nice to take a little break from typing any posts, but I’m still reading all of yours!

So yesterday I ran my second half marathon. I wasn’t planning on PR’ing or anything because I ran a different race 2 days before and I didn’t train as hard. I was just doing it for the experience, especially it being right in my hometown!

Pre race dinner =

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I enjoyed the plain noodles very much. Still can’t believe I used to make them every night for dinner.

I wore my Mizuno Wave Elixir 8’s. My top is from H&M and my shorts from Kohls!

I had my go-to race breakfast of toast with peanut butter and banana. I ate a few beans, went to the bathroom, then headed to the start line!

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Miles 1-3 were on the highway by the water. I was going at a pretty easy pace and there was a little breeze coming off the water. I was feeling good, not too hot!

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mom took it from the car.. good attempt! 😉

I took lots of water. They had plenty of stops so us runners wouldn’t be dehydrated in the heat.

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I remember hitting mile 7 and realizing I was over halfway done. I felt so good, I started speeding up!

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It was really deceiving when you got to the park because you think you’re done but nope. You still had 2.5 more miles. I think they were the fastest miles I ever ran in a race. I was flying. Picking off people one by one!

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I sprinted so fast at the finish. I felt great.

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I ended up with a time of 1:45:51 – 4 minutes better than Cellcom! I was so pleased, especially since I was planning on taking it easy! If you know me though, that was never going to happen 😉

They had soo much good food after the race. Fruit, bread, egg bakes, cinnamon rolls, all natural peanut butter, hummus, crackers, you name it. I definitely ate my fair share of calories- hey, I deserved them!

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I won my age group and was the 11th overall women. When I got home I took a 4 hour nap and did absolutely nothing the rest of the day. It was wonderful.

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I am so, so happy I discovered my love for running and am so blessed to have the ability to. I hope everyone can find what they love and enjoy it!

Posts may start coming a little more frequent. I have so much to tell you guys!

xo, Leigha 😀


14 thoughts on “Heritage Half Marathon

  1. Leigha CONGRATS! You’re going to become an ultra marathon runner or triathlete I know it! 🙂 Haha I love the 4 hour nap part- you deserved it!

  2. Leigha, I found your blog through Sunnie (moderngirlnutrition) and omg you are amazing girl! I’m 16, and I’ve never had anyone at any of my races be your age and so fast! You are crazy good! Also you are so pretty running! I seriously have been told I look malnourished and angry whilst running. Oh well! Taking it easy at a race NEVER works. Every time I think I’m going to take it easy, I don’t. I end up going that much harder and PRing. Which isn’t a bad thing. I’m also crazy obsessed with the fact that you have a ‘Meet My Cats’ page. I have 2 cats that I absolutely adore and that make regular appearances on my blog. Cats are seriously the best. (Which makes your website URL awesome too, of course!) Anyways, this is turning into a paragraph of nonsense, so CONGRATS! So amazing you finished with a wonderful time! 🙂

    • I had the biggest smile on my face reading this whole paragraph 😀 Thank you Katherine! I just checked your blog out and I love it as well! I think we’ll become fast friends 🙂 I play basketball as well!

    • Thank you! I think you’ll rock your 5k on the 21st- and I hope you run in October! Just checked out your blog too. I love meeting new blog friends! 😀

      • Are you running cross country in high school? If so, you’d definitely be one of the fastest girls in the UP (if you do live up there..i just knew this race was there.)

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